Let’s Talk Fiction with Beth Barany and Heather Dakota

Live Chat- Let’s Talk Fiction with Beth Barany and Heather DakotaI’ve been running weekly live chat on Blab.im on Wednesdays, 2pm Pacific/5pm Eastern. You can subscribe here.

This week’s chat was a little different. We opened up the chat to not just novel writing, but fiction in general. We gave away prizes to people who asked questions, and addressed getting started, and other topics about getting to your writing.

About My Guest

Screenshot 2015-12-02 23.47.59Heather Dakota is a children’s book author and illustrator, and she is so much more. She describes herself as “Big-picture Thinker. Marketing Alchemist. Business Midwife. Creatrix for Soul-o-preneurs.” Heather runs the Wise Woman Society and does soulful business coaching. Find out more here: http://www.heatherdakota.com/the-society.html.

She has current courses for support and community in her Wise Women Society. All the details here: http://www.heatherdakota.com/e-courses.html.

Screenshot 2015-12-02 23.47.44Check out her book: I Am…A Guided Journalhttp://amzn.to/1lYRhNK.

You can stay in contact with Heather on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heatherdakota/.

Newsletter (Muse News…More Muse, Less News): http://www.heatherdakota.com/index.html

If you’re curious about her work as a writer and illustrator coach, with courses (children’s picture books, middle grade, and YA titles, fiction & nonfiction), Heather is opening up shop soon, January 2016: http://www.wildharecreative.com/.

And check out Heather’s current project. She has an Open Call for Writers for Pass the Story: Dreams, Journeys, and Sacred tales. Submission guidelines here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kZjuT7Wpt1yssd_YeKvAllruLyInTYVVoMfDl-6lFO4.

You can reach Heather directly at heather AT heatherdakota DOT com.

