So you want to write a children’s picture book! @MiraReisberg #CBICB

Join Kristie Radwilowicz (Associate Designer/Art Director at Macmillan Children’s imprint Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux in New York) and Dr. Mira Reisberg (Founder of Children's Book Academy) for The Craft & Business of Illustrating Children's Books)Today I’m sharing about my friend and colleague’s wonderful newly updated course on the craft and business of writing children’s picture books.

If you:

  • Have always wanted to illustrate children’s books and were too scared to try or didn’t know how
  • Are an artist ready for some fresh approaches to open new doors in contemporary children’s book publishing
  • Are a children’s book writer, but not an illustrator, who would like to stretch the other side of your brain, learn new tricks, and understand the full process of picture book production from the illustration point of view from idea or manuscript to publication in a safe and supportive environment (and possibly open new doors)
  • Are a professional artist with a project in mind that you’d like help with during the course or someone who would like to develop fresh illustration ideas and techniques with new portfolio pieces for new business

Then this is the course for you!

Join Kristie Radwilowicz (Associate Designer/Art Director at Macmillan Children’s imprint Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux in New York) and Dr. Mira Reisberg (Founder of Children's Book Academy) for The Craft & Business of Illustrating Children's Books)


This 5-week course starts: Sept. 21.

Early Bird Registration ends: Sept. 15

You can check out all the details and how to register here:

Join Kristie Radwilowicz (Associate Designer/Art Director at Macmillan Children’s imprint Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux in New York) and Dr. Mira Reisberg (Founder of Children's Book Academy) for The Craft & Business of Illustrating Children's Books)This industry leading children’s book illustration course is co-taught by two industry experts, one of whom is a former children’s literary agent with extensive knowledge and connections in the field (Dr. Mira Reisberg) and the other is a major house art director/graphic designer (Kristie Radwilowicz), along with fantastic topic-specific contributions from editors, agents, and rock star illustrators.


Accomplish more in 5 weeks than many do in 10 years with The Craft and Business of Illustrating Children’s Books!

Join Kristie Radwilowicz (Associate Designer/Art Director at Macmillan Children’s imprint Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux in New York) and Dr. Mira Reisberg (Founder of Children's Book Academy) for The Craft & Business of Illustrating Children's Books)To register and for all the juicy details:

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