#amwalking #amwriting Longing, Desire, and Motivation by Beth Barany

My #amwalking #amwriting Video

How do you notice your longing, desire, or motivation?

Please share in the comments below.


What counts is that you show up and do the work, whether it be writing, walking, or something else that you’re passionate about.

There’s that saying: Get knocked down 9 times, get up 10.

That’s our job in our creative work and in taking care of our bodies.

WHO: I’m Beth Barany, award-winning novelist and Creativity Coach for Writers. http://www.BethBarany.com

WHY I post these videos: I walk my talk, and with pleasure.

ABOUT: Today I share about longing, desire, and motivation — in our bodies and our creative work.

What are the differences in these for you? Do you agree with mine?

I mention my course starting June 1st…

COURSE STARTING JUNE 1st: Course starting June 1st: “30-Day Writing Challenge to Preparing Your Novel”

Self-Paced version: http://school.bethbarany.com/courses/30daywc

IF YOU WANT A SNEAK PEEK, check out my Google Hangout for free here on Tuesday, May 12, 5pm Pacific: http://bit.ly/0512webinar on “Plan Your Novel: Essential Plot & Character Tips Webinar (& An overview of the “30-Day Challenge to Preparing Your Novel” June 2015 course)”


THE WRITER’S JOB: Our Job: Show up, which means your job is to show up to the page and do/start/write. And show up for your health: walk, do functional movement (fun and useful.)


LINKS: Connect with me!

Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/StreetEye1001/
Free audio lectures and courses at SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/beth-barany-1


Writing Coaching site: http://www.BethBarany.com
Writer’s Fun Zone blog, for and by writers: https://writersfunzone.com/blog


As a novelist, I write magical tales of romance and adventure.

Henrietta The Dragon Slayer by Beth Barany (Book 1 of the Five Kingdoms)

Henrietta The Dragon Slayer by Beth Barany (Book 1 of the Five Kingdoms)

My kick ass heroine, Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, fights against great odds and learns how to be a leader and that she doesn’t have to be in the fight alone.

My adventurous romance heroines discover that life is better and more magical with love. They learn that their lives are made better by love.

I write young adult fantasy to empower young women to be the heroes of their own lives; and sweet/sensual romance to transport readers to new worlds where anything is possible.

Find my books on Amazon and other fine retailers, in digital and in print.

Sign up for my newsletter for new release and special event announcements and for goodies and surprises at http://author.bethbarany.com.



As a writing coach, I empower writers to start then finish their novels, and discover how to market and publish them.

5-day Writer's Motivation Mini-Course "Get Writing Now" by Beth Barany

Fr*ee 5-day Writer’s Motivation Mini-Course “Get Writing Now” by Beth Barany

*Do you want to start writing, but are stuck? Start with this free 5-Day Writer’s Motivation Mini-Course here: http://bit.ly/Baranycourse

Prepare your novel $1-day. 30-day writing challenge

Prepare your novel $1-day. 30-day writing challenge

*Do you want to plan your novel, but don’t know where to begin? Then check out our 30-Day Writing Challenge at the Barany School of Fiction, and preparing your novel for only $1/day: http://school.bethbarany.com/courses/30daywc

Author Group Coaching Program for Novelists with Beth and Ezra Barany

Author Group Coaching Program for Novelists with Beth and Ezra Barany

*Are you half-way through your novel and got stuck? Then check out our 12-month group coaching program specifically for genre novelists, so that you can finish your novel and get it out into the world? Join anytime! Learn more here: http://coaching.bethbarany.com/

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