Promote Your Christmas Romance: Sign up here

Christmas Romance- Featured Book BlogWho here has written a Christmas romance?! Either this year or in past years.

I’m writing a series of blog posts featuring romance with a Christmas theme.

I’m running a fun series the FOUR Fridays (FOUR sub-themes) in December and on one of the Fridays I want to feature YOU, the awesome authors I know who have published a Christmas-themed romance.

The series will be on my author site here:

I’m calling it the “Christmas Romance Featured Books Blog Series.”

If you’d like to join me, please fill out the short form here. Instructions are there too, but if you have any questions, just contact me! It’s first-come first-serve. I’m only listing 10 authors per post. Thanks! Please pass it forward if it’s not a perfect fit for you.


Remember: Act now because I’ll only have 10 authors per series. (Subject to change.)

Deadline to sign up: Monday, November 24, 2014.

No cost to sign up! I’m just an author wanting to promote authors and love Christmas romances. Yep, I’ve written one too!


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