Love to read fiction? We need you: Looking for Beta Readers for a historical novel!


Life Magazine, cover from 1941

Love to read fiction and give your opinion?!

We’re looking for you, especially if you like to read historical novels.

I’m an author’s coach, helping novelists write, publish, and market their books.

To that end, I’m looking for beta readers for one of my client’s novels.

THE REQUEST: We’d like your honest opinion as a reader of this before-publication novel. You’re not expected to edit or fix anything in this book. In fact, we’re still editing this book.

ABOUT THE BOOK: A World War II novel set in America and France about how the justice system fails us in the time of war.

WHAT YOU GET: To be an early reader and supporter (if you like the book!) of my client’s work. You’ll receive a digital copy of the unpublished proof to review. Lastly, when the book is published toward the end of year, we’ll send you an autographed signed copy of the print edition signed by the author.

IMPORTANT: This is a pre-publication proof and is not to be circulated or shared with anyone without prior written approval. Thanks!

NEXT STEP: If you are interested in being a beta reader for this book, please complete the questionnaire below. You will then soon receive access to an electronic copy of the book.

DATES: Please send your replies in by Sept. 3rd, 2014.

** If you aren’t able to give feedback in this timeframe, but would like to be notified when this book is published, please don’t fill out this form. Instead, put your email in the comments, or email me directly

NOTE: Your email is confidential and you are not being added to any other mailing lists without your express permission.

More about my author coaching services here:

Here’s the form for you to fill out:

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