Writers’ Self-Care Friday: What will you do?
Inspired by Right-Brainers in Business expert, Jennifer Lee’s self-care Fridays, I’m initiating Self-Care Friday for writers. Join me!
What will you do today to take care of yourself and your creativity?
Since I’m writing this the night before, I can report that I have plans to have lunch with my cousin and shoot the breeze, stepping away from my work. I’m also going to a birthday party Friday night!
I spend so much time alone running the business and working on my novels that it will be fun to socialize and eat good food.
Ultimately, what I really want to feel revitalized is a little adventure. On that note, I plan to go to Cal Day at UC Berkeley on Saturday.
Share with us in the comments what self-care you will commit to today or this weekend.
How do you feed your muse?
For me, this week, it’s adventures and meeting new people.
PS. I’m enjoying Jennifer Lee’s video summit for Right-Brainers in business. You might enjoy it too! Yep, it’s free! Also, I’ll be a Spotlight guest on Monday. Join me Monday, April 14th – I can’t wait to interact with you.