Complaining is bad for your writing by @Beth_Barany

The secret to getting ahead is getting started. -Mark Twain

The secret to getting ahead is getting started. -Mark Twain

Complaining is bad for your writing. Said Kay Keppler. By way of Jennifer Cruisie. She says it upsets creativity: “The girls in the basement.”

So as some people say, “Shut up and write.”

I say, “Writing begets writing.”

Ready to get moving? Then join us for our 5-day free Fiction Writers Online Intensive that starts Monday August 19, 2013.

Sign up HERE.

See you there!

And, PS. Please spread the word!!!! Muchas gracias.


In our boot camp we’ll help you find your doable next step and accomplish it in five days.
– Want to get you book done? Write 1000-2500 words (or more!) in five days.

Edit 20-30 pages thoroughly in five days.

Research 10-20 agents in five days.

Write and polish your query and synopsis in five days.

– Convert your book to ebook for the Kindle and upload in five days.

– Write and polish 5 marketing pitches in five days.

– Draft a marketing plan and start implementing in five days.


What can you do in five days to move your author career forward?


Pick one goal and get it done together. It’s all about taking action!


Click here to sign up for our intensive.

And, if you know and love us already, and want ongoing support over a longer period of time, then check out our Author Group Coaching Program that starts August 26th. All the dets here.

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