Author Entrepreneurship Magazine, Feb. 2013 issue is available now!

AEMagazine-Cover-Feb-2013Welcome to the February 2013 issue of the Author Entrepreneurship Magazine!

I created this magazine to help authors create sustainable and successful careers. It is my gift to you!

This month’s theme is Conferences and Workshops.

I created this magazine to help authors, shy novelists, create sustainable and successful careers. It is my gift to you!

Welcome to our eighth issue!


Let’s Get Together!

Thanks for reading! I created this magazine to help authors – especially shy, introverted novelists – create sustainable, successful, and enjoyable careers.

One of the best ways to accelerate our learning is to congregate with lots of writers and learn from them in one place and time: Conferences and Workshops – the theme of this issue.

I can’t stress enough that the way I went from wishing and hoping to be a writer to actually writing, publishing, and selling my books was by joining a writer’s group and writer’s organizations, and by going to writer’s conferences.

If you’re struggling with your writing, or the stages of publishing and selling your books, then I encourage you to go to a writer’s conference, workshop, or event, and mingle with other authors.

I recently came up with the Triangle of Success. You need people more experienced than you to learn from; you need people less experienced from you to teach and thereby reinforce your knowledge, and you need your peers for a shoulder to lean on, and laugh and cry with about the shared journey.

So go out there and take the next steps in your career.

PS. Because I love to create circles of support, I’ve just launched with Catharine Bramkamp an informal support group for Writing Coaches who write fiction. If you’d like to join us because you’d like to give and get support, and you too are a writing coach who writes fiction, then request to join our Facebook Group here: Coffee Clatch: Virtual Cafe for Writing Coaches.


And, contact us is you have questions or topics you’d like us to cover in future issues.

For the rest of the magazine, go here to read the Author Entrepreneurship Magazine.


Please support the advertisers in this issue by clicking on their links and checking out their offerings:

The Torah Codes
6 Short Stories of Suspense
The Writer’s Adventure Guide
Henrietta The Dragon Slayer
Twitter for Authors: Social Media Book Marketing Strategies for Shy Writers
* The Muse Charmer
* Stacey Aaronson, Book Doctor
Bloomington Writers Festival and Book Fair

Vanessa Kier’s Tech Talks for Writers

How to Run a Successful Blog Tour (50% off! for magazine readers!)

Newbie Writers Podcast

Michelle Geary, Author’s Virtual Assistant


Would you like to write for us?

If you’d like to write for us, contact us for the Writer’s Guidelines.

Writers get an opportunity to share their expertise, promote themselves in a short bio, and get a full-page ad.

Contact Beth Barany at BETH at BETHBARANY dot com. Or call her at 510-332-5384.

Note: We’re now accepting articles for the April 2013 issue. Deadline: March 15th.

Theme: Negotiations for Authors.

 Be sure to request and read the Writer’s Guidelines to have a better chance of us accepting your article. To keep the magazine readable and useful, we only accept a limited number of articles.

More about this magazine and author trainings at


Reach over 1,500 readers! **Advertise with us!**

For the more about the Ad Rates and a Special Report: Online Media Selling, write Beth Barany at BETH at BETHBARANY dot com. Or call her directly at 510-332-5384.

PS. To have publisher/editor of the Author Entrepreneurship Magazine, Beth Barany, speak to your group on writing a book, publishing, growing a business for writers, contact her here.


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  • I went ahead and downloaded your first two e-zines for offline viewing when I have more time. I am not yet a writer; I do not know if I will eventually be one. Right now blogging is more a eative outlet than anything else for me. But it does not hurt to “dip my toe” into the “what if” waters. You have a nice blend of free and pay-for information here and I will be returning.

  • AMummysLife says:

    I’m not an author myself but funny how the rules for success as an author can be the same for a successful blogger.

  • Bonnie Gean says:

    I’ve been writing for many years, getting articles published on and off the Net. I never had the time to mix and mingle with a writer’s group. These days my time is very limited, thanks to Internet marketing, but I hope to have a published book ONE DAY! 🙂

    Thanks for the issue. It was fun to read!

  • Beth Barany says:

    Alana, blogging is a great creative outlet! You’re an author in my book. Thanks for returning!

    AMummysLIfe: So true! The rules for success as an author can be the same for a successful blogger. We’re both writers!

    Bonnie, Glad you liked the issue and it was fun to read. I imagine that you network a lot online. I’m sure you will publish a book ONE DAY! 🙂

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