Twitter for Authors: A Success Story, The Follow Up by Beth Barany

Twitter for Authors: Social Media Book Marketing Strategies for Shy Writers By Beth Barany, Coming Soon!. Sign up for her newsletter to get notified when it releases!Yes, Twitter for authors! I reported a few weeks ago how Twitter provides opportunities for authors, and how I scored a cool opportunity via Twitter: to be a guest blogger on BookBaby’s blog. Today I’m reporting back on my success story.

Well, I’m here to report that I followed through  — Yeah! — and my post on “4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Publishing Your First Novel” went up last week, Jan. 23rd. And double-success for me: I’ll be a monthly blogger for them.

Yep, I could have gotten that opportunity if I’d queried them, or they’d emailed me. but it didn’t happen that way.

I think Twitter is great for reaching people that you wouldn’t ordinarily bump into in your normal day-to-day activities.

So that’s my follow up on my success story for Twitter.

What success have you created for yourself via Twitter?

What success would you like to create via Twitter?


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  • I must confess, I am overwhelmed and intimidated by Twitter. I can barely keep up with my blog, the few comments I get on it, my fb interactions (especially during UBC) and engage in daily living at the same time.

    I do have a Twitter account, I do try to remember to link my blog posts to it. I try to go in and read, retweet, and make connections, but it’s often hit or miss and very sporadic.

    Congratulations on your success.


  • I found a writing gig through twitter; for a year I wrote TV feature articles for a (now defunct) pop culture site. Because of that, I was able to submit a review to a larger site, which was just bought out by a larger company, and I may have more opportunity. This is all just on-the-side stuff for me, but it’s exciting! Networking on twitter definitely has advantages. And by networking, as we both know, we don’t mean spammy tweets promoting ourselves, but true interaction.

  • Congrats on your success via Twitter but, like Kina, my interactions with Twitter are sporatic. I often forget to log on and check what’s going on there. And that has a lot to do with my work schedule being what it is and how frightfully busy I am all the time. 🙁 It would be nice to see how far Twitter could take me if I had the time for it, though!

  • Beth Barany says:

    Kina, Thanks! I recognize that Twitter isn’t for everyone. I highly recommend writers pick the social media tools they love!

    Stephanie, Right on! And congrats!

    Angie, Well, you can set up a regular time to play in Twitter, even if it’s just 30 minutes every other week. It is a fun place!

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