The Writer’s GMC: Know What You Want

The Writer’s GMC: Know What You Want by Beth BaranyYou have a dream! You want to write a book. Congratulations! So now what? How do you go from great idea to great reality?

With The Writer’s GMC, that’s how.

Answer the questions below to uncover you writing goals, motivations and conflict.

G is for Goal

What is your current writing project?

What are your long-term writing projects?

Describe each one, as applicable, in as much detail as possible, addressing for example, genre, length, and audience.

M is for Motivation

What is your main motivation fueling you — to write in general and to work on your current project?

What are your secondary motivations?

Peer deeper, and find another reason, if you can.

Some write because their day isn’t complete with out it; others write to communicate a message or a dream, make a point, or impress others.

There is no right answer, only clarity achieved, by knowing why you write.

C is for Conflict

Focus on your perceived obstacles — both internal and external.

Allow any negative or limiting self-talk to be recognized for what it is — an obstacle to be overcome.

No need to judge, just acknowledge.

And notice what external factors interrupt the path to your writing time, be it busyness, work and family obligations, or TV watching.

No judgment here.

Only notice that these obstacles are often there by our own choosing and that by recognizing them we can choose differently.

We can find solutions through our strengths.


What strengths, both internal and external, can you use to achieve your writing goals? Include inner qualities like humor, intelligence, curiosity, drive, and outer benefits such as a space to work, a regular schedule to slot writing into, a nice computer, or no pressure to make money at your writing.

Your Turn

Share your thoughts in the comments below. And I’ll comment.


Adapted from The Writer’s Adventure Guide by Beth Barany.



Image of Beth BaranyBeth Barany teaches science fiction and fantasy novelists how to write, edit, and publish their books as a coach, teacher, consultant, and developmental editor. She’s an award-winning fantasy and science fiction novelist and runs the podcast, “How To Write The Future.”

Learn more about Beth Barany at these sites:

Author site /  Coaching siteWriter’s Fun Zone blog / How To Write The Future podcast

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