Tagged: retreat


The Cheap Retreat Guide – More Writing, Less Money, Too Much Ice Cream By Catharine Bramkamp

I save flyers and emails touting to only the benefits but the transformative magic of this writing workshop or that retreat.  Many workshops and retreats seem to take place in exotic locations either so you have an excuse to go, or because the workshop leader has always wanted to travel there be it Taos or Paris. And who doesn’t want to travel to Taos and Paris?


A Writer’s Treat: The Retreat by Jami Gray

Ah, the scent of wood smoke and rain tells me another year is gearing up for the fall and it’s time for a well-earned break. You know the kind, the type you use to reward yourself for surviving another round of new projects, writer conferences, pitch sessions, the merry-go-round of queries, new releases, and the never-ending whirlwind of life in general.
