Tagged: resolution


6 Types of Writer Pain and How To Resolve Them (Part 2) by Beth Barany

Writers often feel all alone in their problems, as if they are the only one to intensely feel the pain of not writing. This pain can come in many different forms. Last week I shared 6 types of writers pain (part 1) I typically see in my work as a writer’s coach and teacher. There are many things I say to help writers experiencing one of those types of pain to resolve the pain, to start to feel better.


The Three-Part Plot by Jennifer Snow (A Year To Publication column)

Writing a 90k word novel can be a daunting task for any writer-new or established, but thinking about the work in progress in smaller pieces/stages can often help eliminate some anxiety and provide a loose outline to work with. I like to think of my stories as a three-part play-The Problem, The Middle Action, and The Resolution.
