Tagged: point of view

Diversity in Writing: Ways to be More Inclusive in Literature by Thao Nguyen 0

Diversity in Writing: Ways to be More Inclusive in Literature by Thao Nguyen

Though it may be difficult to approach diversity as a writer, especially when you may not have experienced those circumstances or been underrepresented in those specific ways, but what are books if not a medium through which we can better empathize with others? Uncover ways you can bring diversity to your writing.


Resources on Point of View (POV)

Check out our resources on POV — point of view — on Writer’s Fun Zone blog and beyond. Articles, webinar trainings, and books. Questions about point of view? Post in the comments below. Any...


Getting the Author Off the Page by Alice Gaines

“Getting the Author Off the Page” by Alice Gaines was originally published in Writing Romance: The Ultimate Guide on Craft, Creation and Industry Connections. *** There I was, about halfway through writing my first...


Perspective: Pointing the Way to Story by Kay Keppler

Part of craft is choosing from which perspective, or point of view, you tell your story. Your choices are first, second, or third person (limited or omniscient). Each has its strengths and drawbacks. Well, okay, second person has no strengths, only drawbacks, unless you’re writing how-to manuals. In that case, carry on. Fiction people, you have choices to make.
