Tagged: blogging


Do you write every day?

Social Media Tips for Thursday… As you may or may not know, I’ve been blogging every day since January 1, 2011, and I’ve seen some cool results: * My site traffic has tripled, to nearly 2,000 visitors per month — woohoo! I know other bloggers are seeing higher traffic, but for me, this is awesome, and I celebrate my success! And my numbers keep going up the more time goes by!


How to Use Twitter to Connect with Your Readers

I’m inspired by Kristen Lamb to do a Twitter Tuesdays series. Today is #1! Today we’ll focus on something I got from Kristen’s book, We Are Not Alone: The Writer’s Guide to Social Media. (She’s going to think I’m a stalker! I can’t say enough nice and gushing things about her book!)

Work with Me: Get Published 0

Work with Me: Get Published

Okay. I’m not a publisher. Who I help are serious, hard working authors (because they love writing). I actually help you get your writing done and out into the world. For one client that meant getting...
