Tagged: artists


Fall Forward by Nevada McPherson

The weather has just turned cooler where I live and with it I notice the light in the afternoon has a different quality. In the summer heat it’s difficult to imagine these brisk, golden days will ever arrive and when they finally do I greet them with joy and a renewed sense of purpose.


Nibbles to Bites, Scribbles to Sketch by Nevada McPherson

So, it’s getting to be time for that age-old question: How did you spend your summer? As the long, hot days begin to wind down, have you been working hard on a writing project, meaning to work hard on a writing project, or just enjoying some fun summer reading?

What Can Creativity Do? Video Sundays 2

What Can Creativity Do? Video Sundays

It’s another video in our Sunday Video for Authors series. If you have a video that you love re: writing, creativity, etc., I’d love to know about it. I’m learning to love video and...

Archetypes for Writers, an excerpt 0

Archetypes for Writers, an excerpt

Archetypes for Writers: Using the Power of Your Subconscious by Jennifer Van Bergen An excerpt: “Ultimately the Self makes a place in the world for its whole Self where one did not exist before....
