Access your Writing Flow State: Getting into Character by Jasper Ezekiel
Jasper Ezekiel shares some tips on getting into character. Be careful, some might seem a little silly, but try giving them all a shot!
Jasper Ezekiel shares some tips on getting into character. Be careful, some might seem a little silly, but try giving them all a shot!
You’ve written your first draft of your novel, but your rough draft is way too long! Join author Daniel Rice as he tells you what’s next.
Permission to be Creative with Nina Hart, Part 2 – How To Write the Future podcast, episode 60 “Because I think like so many of us need to unlearn things. And also the process...
The Benefits of Working with a Fiction Writing Coach – How To Write the Future, podcast episode 52 “As fiction writers, we are sharing parts of ourselves onto the page, and that can be...
by Kerry-Ann McDade · Published January 30, 2023 · Last modified April 4, 2023
In this How To Write the Future podcast episode, titled “Where to Start with the How To Write The Future podcast,” Beth Barany celebrates her 30th podcast episode by featuring listener favorites and which episodes to...
by Beth Barany · Published November 30, 2022 · Last modified May 28, 2023
For fiction writers who want to create their stories in the flowAn assessment for creative writers.By a creativity coach for writers, teacher, and award-winning novelist. Sign up for your Writing Assessment session BETH BARANY@bethbaranyWhen...
by Kerry-Ann McDade · Published November 14, 2022 · Last modified April 4, 2023
In this episode titled 19. News and Updates from the World Of Futurists and Strategic Foresight Practitioners, creativity coach and podcast host, Beth Barany invites readers to get involved by sharing their positive “What...
by Kerry-Ann McDade · Published September 12, 2022 · Last modified April 4, 2023
In episode 9 of the How To Write The Future Podcast, Beth Barany discusses what topics she could discuss in future episodes and talks about the book, Limits, and Beyond. Have a listen to...
When an author submits work to a publisher it’s important to prepare for acceptance, even as they strengthen themselves for rejection.
Thao Nguyen discusses the benefits and drawbacks of proofreading as a side job for an author just getting started in their careers.
Enjoy this Author Q&A with Shannon Lawrence, sharing about her inspirations, passions, writing process, and how she overcame the challenges she faced.
Having a uniform to use when you are writing can help you prepare your creative space and put you in the mood for writing.
When you wait for inspiration, sometimes it never shows up. Kim Lozano shares her list of thoughts (literally!) for getting into the right mindset to write, strategically influencing our own emotions.
Novels are huge undertakings, and can be daunting to practice. Thao Nguyen teaches us how important skills for novel writing can actually be honed much quicker with short stories.
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Welcome to the Writer’s Fun Zone, a blog for creative writers by Beth Barany, fiction writing teacher and novelist.
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As a bonus, you will also be subscribed to the CreativitySparks (tm) newsletter, full of tips and tools for novelists building a successful career. (Sent 1-2 times per week) By Beth Barany, Editor and Publisher of the Writer's Fun Zone, and a Creativity Coaching for Writers, and a novelist herself.Beth Barany helps authors get their books completed and out into the world, into the hands of their readers.
Creativity Coach for Writers, NLP Master Practitioner, and Master Teacher, Beth Barany has been there and knows how hard it can be to take your idea and turn it into a real book, that people will actually be interested, and even yearning, to read.
She walks the talk, as her clients like to say. She is the author of the 2012 award-winning young adult fantasy novel Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, as well as the author of the bestselling nonfiction books for authors and aspiring authors.
Ready to finish your book but not sure how?
Hire Beth to help you or take a class at Barany School of Fiction. Or join her Group Coaching Program.
Still have questions? Email Beth.
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