Create With Purpose Part 6: Infinite Possibilities by Kirsten McNeill
Let’s welcome back Kirsten McNeill as she shares with us “Create With Purpose Part 6: Infinite Possibilities.” Enjoy!
Greetings, Writer’s Fun Zone! Last month, I shared Part 5 of this Create With Purpose Series, and now we’re on to the final installment: Infinite Possibilities.
Each morning when you wake up, you are already making countless micro decisions.
Do you snooze your alarm or get out of bed?
Scroll on your phone or jot notes in your journal?
Stretch and rub your eyes or cuddle your pet (who may or may not have chosen to sit on or near your head)?
There are INFINITE possibilities to how your day can start and how your day will continue.
Sure, some choices you make are more probable than others, but I’m not here to talk about statistics.
I am here to inspire you. To remind you that you can have everything you’ve ever wanted. The path to what you want may not turn out exactly as you expected. Sometimes, it turns out even better!
Discover Your Desires
When I work with writers, my coaching process is all about exploring who you are, what you want, and the first step you can take to reach your goals.
That can seem like a lot, especially when you add infinite possibilities to the mix, but if you know where to start it can feel exciting.
If you’ve read the first 5 parts of this series, you’ll have already done a lot of exploring on who you are and your goals.
I think it’s important to explore this every few years or so because we change as we get older and don’t often reevaluate the direction we’re going in life.
Have you ever been working towards a goal, focusing on it for so long, only to realize it doesn’t align with who you’ve become anymore?
Or you were only doing it to please someone who is no longer in your life?
It is okay to change and evolve as we move through different times of our lives.
Sometimes, people in our lives try to stop our growth.
They want us to remain the person they’ve always known or even make fun of us for showing interest in something we swore to never look at in the past.
That ridicule and pressure from others stops us from being who we truly are.
People CAN change.
In fact, we change all the time without even knowing it on a physical and emotional level.
More often than not, we decide NOT to change because we are influenced by the people around us and the fears and doubts building up in our heads.
Take Time to Reflect
I encourage you to pick a day this week to reflect on who you are.
What does it mean to be you?
How do you define yourself?
What goals are you working towards?
Make a list of those goals and review it.
How many of them are still important to you?
How many of them are no longer relevant?
How many of them have you STOPPED working towards because a person or event in your life discouraged you?
Look at one of those goals that you’ve stopped working towards.
That could be writing your own memoir, submitting to a book agent or publisher, or writing every single day.
Whatever goal you’ve looked at, it’s on your list for a reason.
You only stopped working towards it because you were made to believe it was impossible for you to achieve.
Have you ever considered that maybe what wasn’t possible was the WAY you had planned to achieve this goal?
Many of us get so stuck in our ways that we forget to explore MULTIPLE possibilities that will lead to our success.
We get so wrapped up in a specific vision that we are blind to the path that we were actually meant to be on.
Maybe instead of writing a memoir you were meant to create a blog that you enjoy even more.
Instead of submitting to a book agent or publisher, you were destined to be self-published.
Instead of writing every single day, you make far more progress and are more motivated when you write every second day.
Eventually, these will all lead to having published work shared with the public. That’s usually the main goal for a writer. We forget to explore the possibilities and we fear the discovery that we may like something new.
New is scary. New is uncertain.
But how will we know unless we try?
Let go of the outcome. Be open to trying new activities that lead to the same end goal.
You CAN have everything you want, but you may not even know what you want until you see and experience it for yourself.
Don’t be afraid of change and evolution. EMBRACE IT! Learn to be open to all possibilities, only then you will discover your version of success and happiness.
The Right Mindset
Recently, I connected with the author C.C. Tyler.
During a video call, she reminded me of the concept of a fixed mindset vs. a growth mindset.
You can choose to remain stable in your current way of thinking. Believing you have limits on the life you deserve.
Or you can choose to believe that anything is possible. You can choose to be a dreamer.
Someone who will take any opportunity that feels aligned with their goals, even if there’s a chance of making mistakes.
You are a writer.
You were destined to share your creativity.
How you share it is up to you.
You have a lot more choices than you may believe. You can have everything you’ve ever wanted as long as you’re open to exploring new possibilities.
Believe in yourself. You’ve got this. Your version of success and happiness is right around the corner.
Never forget that you are worthy.
Kirsten McNeill is a Confidence & Writing Lifestyle Coach, Book Editor, and Self-Published Writer. Her mission with Worthy Writers Editing is to bring sunflower sunshine to the creative world connecting writers to the confidence and passion they desire to help them publish and share their stories.
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