Why Plan for NaNoWriMo by Jasper Ezekiel and Beth Barany

This post is about Why Plan for NaNoWriMo written by Jasper Ezekiel, with an introduction by Beth Barany. Edited by Beth Barany.


It’s been an emotional time for me.

Hard to say exactly why.

A lot of changes happening below the surface and behind the scenes.

To find a steady center and find solace, I’ve been editing steadily my next novel — book 5 in my Janey McCallister Mystery series. (Site link)

And doing doodles. (Facebook link) (See image in the blog.)

And feeling the feels. (LinkedIn link)

And moving step by step into sharing my exciting around one of my favorite topics — planning your novel.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I’m doing something new this year to help support writers who want to do Nanowrimo.

Over the next 11 weeks leading up to Nanowrimo, my team and I (and surprise guests!) will be sharing lots of tips for planning your novel.

Today’s article is by Jasper Ezekiel, a poet and fantasy novelist. Jasper works for me as an editorial assistant and copywriter and is a mentee in my beta Creative Entrepreneur program.

I’m excited to share his story planning tips with you.
❤️Why Plan for NaNoWriMo by Jasper Ezekiel

Why Plan for NaNoWriMo

(You can listen to this article here.)

Just imagine it.

You’ve spent weeks or even months being so excited for NaNoWriMo.

You’ve set aside time every day.

You’ve made it clear to everyone you love in your life that you’re going on a magnificent journey and testing your mettle as a writer.

But as you sit down to write, you find that you have no idea what to put on the page.

Maybe you have some inkling of an idea, but it’s not enough to start your first words.

So instead of writing on the first day, you’re paralyzed with indecision on where to start and already, you’re behind!

Don’t let this be you!

A little bit of planning will make this horrible future just an anxiety.


You might think that planning your novel involves only writing plot, but that’s not true.

Every little effort that you make to conceptualize your novel before it’s written counts towards planning your novel in the end.

This includes things like making up your main character and all of the side characters that their paths intertwine with.

Getting to know your characters is a huge part of planning. When you get to know your characters, you get to know one of the backbones of your story.

You come to understand better the perspective in which you’ll be understanding the world that you’ve created.

Even if you choose not to do any other planning than just creating your characters, creating characters that are strong enough to carry scenes are essential planning.


Of course, you can always plan out your plot.

When you plan out your plot, it becomes easier to draft your novel because you’re not worrying about planning every single scene as you write it.

The way that I do it: I plan out my plot just enough so that I have an idea of what going to happen in the scene that I’m going to write next so that when I get to that scene I don’t have to hesitate before I begin to write it.

I can just sit down and begin.

Themes and Emotions

One last thing to consider when planning your novel is something more “nitty-gritty” than plot or character: the themes and emotions of your work.

Themes and the emotions of your work shape the very essence of it.

For example, a novel about a detective solving a murder case can be a dark crime, thriller, or horror novel… or it could be a character comedy that focuses on the flaws of the detective.

Your genre is influenced by your themes and emotions.

Planning your themes and emotions may not be as concrete as planning your plot and your characters, but it’s still essential if you’re going to be thinking about your novel before you sit down to write it.

Want more tips on how to plan your novel?

plan your novel home study course

Beth Barany’s Plan Your Novel Like A Pro course, provides insight and guidance into how to plan these different aspects of your novel.

In the course she walks you through planning characters, deciding on themes and emotions and what to do when you sit down to write your plot.

So that you can start your NaNoWriMo novel confident that you are prepared.

Handy links: Plan Your Novel Like A Pro course

Not sure if this course is right for you?

Comment below, or write Beth, and let me know your questions and concerns.

Stay tuned for more articles on getting ready for NaNoWriMo.

Have a happy and creative week.



Need some 1-1 customized support?

I work with science fiction and fantasy novelists working on innovative projects who desire clarity, forward momentum, and to live in their joy and passion.

I have 7 openings in September.

Normally $250 per session, I’m offering these sessions for $150 per session because you are a newsletter subscriber.

Book a session for September here:



Next week, I’ll be teaching “Beyond the 5 Senses: Explore The 21 Senses for Your Characters” on August 24 via Free-Expressions Writing Success webinar.

"Beyond the 5 Senses: Explore The 21 Senses for Your Characters" on August 24 via Free-Expressions Writing Success webinar.

More details here:


Yes, the webinar will be recorded in case you can’t make it live!


Beth Barany
Creativity Coach for Writers
Teacher, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator

Plus, Teaching tailored story writing curriculums for future-facing, bold organizations who want members to think outside the box and take action.

Creativity is the answer. 


I not only teach and coach novelists, I am one too! 

Author of *Magical Tales of Romance, Mystery, and Adventure*

Award-winning science fiction & fantasy novelist.


How To Write The Future podcast

The How to Write The Future podcast is for science fiction and fantasy writers who want to create optimistic stories because when we vision what is possible, we help make it so.

Sign up here to get your World Building Workbook for Fiction Writers:


World Building Workbook for Fiction Writer by Beth Barany

Writer's Fun zone blog by and for creative writers, published by Beth Barany

Latest Posts on the Writer’s Fun Zone blog

About Beth Barany

Beth Barany, image; creativity coach for novelists; speaker, teacher, podcaster
Beth Barany is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy novelist, and certified creativity coach for writers.

She specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers.



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For fiction writers who want to write, polish, and revise their novels to the delight of their readers.

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