Discover Your Authentic Promotion Style by Catharine Bramkamp
Let’s welcome back monthly columnist Catharine Bramkamp as she shares with us “Discover Your Authentic Promotion Style.” Enjoy!
You already know this: once you publish your book, your work is only half finished. But promotion isn’t exactly our favorite activity; less synchronized swimming, more dodgeball. So how to conquer book promotion and even better, like it?
I’ve been working with a brilliant friend and collaborator on a new way of approaching book creation and promotion, we call it Writing from the Queen Seat, and it will help you get into the pool.
We all subscribe to hundreds of helpful blogs, so we understand that the best way to promote our books is to know our audience.
What we discovered in creating the Queen Seat is that when you know yourself, you have a better time describing your book, and then will find it easier to identify and reach out to the exact right audience for your book.
Authentic Promotion: Know Your Purpose
Purpose is your why and your audience’s how.
When you are clear on your purpose and the purpose of your book and writing, you will unleash a torrent of ideas as well as countless potential readers.
What issues do you want to see healed?
What process have you mastered that you now want to share?
Perhaps something from this list will spark you…
- Outreach
- Reputation
- Business
- Timely insights
- Being an author
- Your unique story
- Voice for the voiceless
P.S. Money is not a purpose
What is easy?
Another way to tap into your expertise is to consider what you do really well, even automatically.
Sometimes we are so good at what we do we forget that it may be difficult for others.
When you have a conversation or start helping a friend solve a problem you probably naturally and effortlessly shift into your expert mode, or as we call it, your Expert Queen.
You don’t have to think about it. You break down language, code, seasons, energy, or formulas in your head while all those around you are stunned into silence.
Brainstorm Your Authentic Self
- What is easy for you?
- Do you want to share?
- What are you constantly, always, irritatingly asked?
Spend some time considering what is super easy for you and writing it down. Then channel what you learn into your book project as well as into your audience search.
It may be easy for you, but is it difficult for others?
There is your audience, who you must communicate with, and who needs your book.
Tap into your own inspirational story to uncover your Authentic Promotion Style
To add to this collection, tap into your own story.
What inspired you to become an actor or designer or healer?
Can you describe how you overcame the obstacles and tests necessary to become who you are now, and why you’ve earned your title of the expert?
- What, if anything, did you sacrifice to obtain the perspective you have today?
- Was there ever a moment of shock?
- How long did it take to recover and how?
- Did you do it alone or did you have help?
Next on Your Path to Your Authentic Promotion Style
Once you identify who your audience is – it’s easier to find them.
Target is the word most often used, but that sounds rather violent so let’s say interested audience members, potential readers, or people who need your particular ideas, your expertise, your knowledge, you.
When you are ready, research the recent and popular social channels most visited by your potential audience. That’s where you will find them, where you will engage them, and eventually, how you will sell your book to them.
If you are passionate about your subject, purpose, and the book’s message, it is easier to spend time discussing, researching, and offering information about the book. It’s about giving away information, engaging people with questions and queries: a conversation.
Does it happen all at once?
No. Will there be experiments and failures?
Oh yes. But you will inch closer to the ultimate goal of not only selling your books but becoming the expert you know you are.
Welcome to your queendom.
Curious about the Queen archetype? Check out the quiz at
Serious? Join us on January 4th on Facebook as we start the Author Queen Writing Society Winter Season. Make 2021 the year you get your book done! Learn how at
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Catharine Bramkamp is the co-producer of Newbie Writers Podcast that focuses on newer writers and their concerns. She is a successful writing coach, Chief Storytelling Officer, and author of a dozen books including the Real Estate Diva Mysteries series, and The Future Girls series. She holds two degrees in English and is an adjunct university professor. After fracturing her wrist, she has figured out there is very little she is able to do with one hand tied behind her back.