Finding Success On Your Own Terms as a Writer (podcast)

Finding Success On Your Own Terms as a Writer, Beth Barany, Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things podcastRecently I was interviewed by Keri Roberts of the podcast “Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things” about finding success on your own terms as a writer. Enjoy!

Success on On Your Own Terms

I chatted about why I wanted to be a writer and how creativity was fostered in my home as a child.

I talks about my rejections as a writer including not getting into journalism school and how it pushed me to commit no matter what to write a novel.

I also share how I dealt with rejection and how I transitioned into writing fiction, how I make a living teaching writing and why being a novelist helps me be a better teacher, writer and person.

I share some tips on finding success on your own terms. I also talk about the top things writers struggle with and how I coach them to build more confidence and creativity for their writing, what makes a great story, why it matters and more.

Hope you enjoy!

You can listen to the interview here: Or on iTunes.

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