New Free Guide: 25 professional authors share their best advice for new and aspiring authors

New Free Guide: 25 professional authors share their best advice for new and aspiring authorsNew Free Guide: 25 professional authors share their best advice for new and aspiring authors. Sign up for your guide here: https://k8per9da4h2–


From the publishers:

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, which is another way of saying: it takes a LOT of time and effort to describe a thing in order to understand its essence, something a single image can do in a moment.

If that’s the case, a great idea – one that inspires and motivates you, one that you can own – is worth a thousand days. Because a great idea takes time, it takes experience, and it takes having walked the walk. That’s why it’s so important to learn from people who have come before you, who are already doing what you want to do. They’ve run through brick walls, stumbled, and failed so that, hopefully, you don’t have to.

So the goal of this ebook is to help you come away with just one great idea you can implement today. If you do, you’ll be days, weeks, maybe even months ahead of where you were just minutes earlier. Now that’s a picture worth framing.

Click here to grab your free copy: https://k8per9da4h2–


I have a tip in there too!


More free resources

8 Tips on Planning Your Novel

Your 4 Stages of Writing a Novel

Plan Your Novel Like A Pro: And Have Fun Doing It! (Book)




Play — Adventure — Exploration — Freedom — Discovery

Spark Manifested

Writer’s Fun ZoneWFZ, is a service to aspiring and published fiction and creative nonfiction authors …

…to help make writing and book marketing fun and adventurous.

After all, if writing weren’t bringing us some kind of pleasure, why do it?

I know you may have bad days, when sitting down to write is the last thing you want to do, yet you’ve made a promise to yourself, your fans, your readership, your boss… So sit down you must.

Beth Barany, Editor & Founder of Writer's Fun Zone

Beth Barany, Award-Winning Novelist, Creativity Coach for Writers, Founder. Editor of Writer’s Fun Zone, a blog for and by creative writers.

How do I know that? Because I’m a writer, just like you. I’m also a teacher, and am called from deep within, to teach through writing.

So, I built this site to explore:

  • What makes writing fun;
  • How to get motivated when writing doesn’t feel fun;
  • What all the pieces are of the writing world, and book world that I think are fascinating and exciting;
  • Why humans are drawn to story telling;
  • How writers can tell stories in new ways;
  • And more — It’s an exploration after all!

At the Writer’s Fun Zone, you are encouraged to play with writing and to discover how making mistakes is actually a form of play.

When you play, you take risks, you feel good for having taken those risks, and lo-and-behold, you’re grow, learn and become a stronger writer.

At Writer’s Fun Zone, I’m dedicated to helping you to:

  • Make money with your writing;
  • Have a career as an author;
  • Be fully self-expressed;
  • Be fulfilled inside and out;
  • Make meaning through your creativity;
  • And, more…

Subscribe to Writer’s Fun Zone here.

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