Ready to Write Your First Draft? Join us! Sign up closes in 1 day!

30-Day Writing Challenge to PLAN, WRITE YOUR NOVEL_site-banner-10-2015-v2I hope your November is starting out well!

Over here, Ezra (my husband) and I have started National Novel Writing Month, (Nanowrimo). He’s started with a bang. I’ve started with a crawl, then a bang. (Yay for Nanowrimo write-ins, my first one!)

However you chose to start Nanowrimo this month, good luck!

And if you choose not to join in the frenzy and intensity that can be Nanowrimo, then I wish you happy writing, whatever your focus and your speed.

To refresh your memory and to restate who I am: I am a novelist, creativity coach for writers, and book midwife. I hold your hand while you push.

My philosophy: (as of today — it’s always evolving) As we novelists travel into our novels far far away from our day-to-day life, we leave ourselves so that we find our way home back to self — heart, mind, and soul — refreshed and renewed.

What is it like for you to diving into your writing, and then come back out?

1 more day to sign up

Our November course, Write Your Novel, has started.

INSTAGRAM-Calling all Novelists!_date-generic-v4

You can still join us if you’d like.

Sign up deadline: Friday, November 6, 9pm Pacific

Our first weekly group call was this past, Tuesday. So, sign up today and you’ll get all the details on how to join us for our next group webinar/call at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern.

Who this course is for: It’s for people who want extra support while writing their first draft during the intensity of National Novel Writing Month.

Hope you can join us!

More information about our November 2015 course.

Goal: Write your novel in November!

We know you can do this!

When you join the course, you will have:
— A safe space to write your novel, in community with authors like you
— Small and intimate group support with weekly calls (Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern)
— Help with the sagging middle
— Accountability to sit down and write daily
— Tips and techniques on how to make room in your life to write daily (or nearly daily)
— Brainstorming opportunities with your cohorts when you’re stuck
— Support with re-assigning the critical, editorial, judging (left-brain mind)
Cheerleaders for what you’re creating from your peers and knowledgeable mentors, Beth & Ezra Barany, and coaching assistant, Carol Malone
— Practice sharing in a safe place; you only need to share what you feel comfortable sharing
— Feedback from peers (optional and peer-generated)

2 options!

You can join at the the Fellowship of the Pen, Let’s Write level at $79 or Fellowship of the Pen, Let’s Write Premium level at $119.

If you are a current or past student, be sure to use the discount code. Write me if you didn’t get it.

Let’s break it down:

Option #1: Fellowship of the Pen, Let’s Write level

— Private Facebook group for November (or, Twitter ‪#‎30DAYWC‬) to continue the support, accountability, and tailored guidance.
— Four live Teaching/Coaching calls: Tuesdays at 5pm PACIFIC on our Zoom channel for spot checks, motivation, writing tips during your busy life, and cheers on every step you take.
— The PLAN YOUR NOVEL homestudy course (For new students)

Option #2: Fellowship of the Pen, Let’s Write Premium level

All of the above, plus:

— Plus: A one-on-one private 60-minute coaching call with Beth Barany to focus on shaping your story or questions about overcoming inner blocks, or both. (Schedule your call with Beth as soon as possible. You need to take advantage of actually having the call before December 18th.) (Normally, Beth’s coaching calls are billed at $225 per hour, but she’s offering a deal here to those who are committed to the challenge of writing their novels during November.)

— SECOND Plus for the PREMIUM level: Written Document Review to help you get clear on the book you wrote or are writing and get ready for your next steps. Beth will give you a three to five paragraph review. Send her your novel’s: Elevator pitch; Scene-by-Scene Outline or Plot Outline; One to three page Story Synopsis (Normally, Beth’s coaching calls are billed at $225 per hour, but she’s offering a deal here to those who are committed to the challenge of writing their novels during November.)

Gifts upon sign up:
— Beth Barany’s ebook, Overcome Writer’s Block (One writer already posted the Writer’s Oath from this book!)
— Tracking Sheet for keeping track of your writing hours

Register here:

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