Stop Trying to Write Your Memoir by @DenisLedoux

Write Your First Memoir Draft TC Big

Please welcome Denis Ledoux with his guest post on writing your memoir. He’s also sharing about his upcoming “Write Your First Memoir Draft Tele-course” starting soon. Enjoy! And let us know what you think about writing memoirs in the comments below.

Be sure to check out Denis’ bio below for some great discounts.


Are you noticing something here? There is a world of difference between “trying to write” and “writing!”

Here’s a story you can probably relate to. Once upon a time at a meeting, a woman was asked if she would bring the refreshments for the next meeting. She answered she was “going to try.”

The group leader said to her, “Phyllis, I didn’t ask you if you would ‘try’ to bring refreshments. I asked you if you would bring them or not.”

She got the point and I suppose you got it, too! Are you a person who is trying to write your memoir or are you a person who is writing it? Your family will likely be left without your memoir if what you do is “try to write a memoir.”

Action Steps

1. Commit yourself today to a writing schedule by selecting times and days when you will write—schedule not for when you will “try to write” but for when you will write.

2. Honor appointments with your writing as you would any other appointment. Do you “try” to keep your appointment with the dentist or do you keep it?

3. Do not allow yourself to slip into “trying”—ever. Notice your hesitation, your reversals. What are they telling you not only about your motivation but perhaps about your subject matter and your readiness to deal with it? Sometimes trying to is a message that we are not yet ready.

4. Being successful at memoir writing is a choice you can make. It is a choice that is made day after day and one which is always subject to atrophy.

5. For many people the commitment they make to writing in a group gives them a channel to be accountable to. By having a group to report to, many writers find themselves producing more in less time.


Editor’s note: Check out the Featured Q&A we did with Denis Ledoux here.



Denis Ledoux and his Write Your First Memoir Draft CourseDenis Ledoux has been helping people to write memoir since 1989. This fall, he is teaching his signature Write Your Memoir Draft Tele-Course. In the next seven months—finishing in April 2016—you could be writing in the company of an experienced mentor and a thoughtful group of writers.

The Write Your Memoir Draft Tele-Course is designed to support your memoir writing success by providing the discipline of accountability and deadlines. The first tele-class is scheduled for September 17. Mention you learned about the class from this blog post and receive a $69 Memoir Start Up Package which comes with $40+ of bonuses.

The first two people to mention this blog will also receive a $100 discount.


Register today. If you want to write a first draft, even if you have already started, this course will be a game changer.




Course link:
Memoir Start-Up Package link:

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