Celebrate Endings & Prepare for What’s Next

Beth Barany, Creativity Coach for Authors

Beth Barany, Creativity Coach for Authors

May 29, 2014

Hello my friends!

My newsletter service is glitching so I’m sharing my newsletter here!

Here we focus on creating fiction and sharing it with the world, because when we travel into a novel, we can come back home to ourselves.

I’m enjoying the blue skies and cool winds here on the San Francisco Bay Area coast. Okay, I’m about 20 miles as the crow flies from the coast. I’m aching for a visit to the ocean. Ocean Beach, maybe, or a beach in Marin County. Soon, I’ll go. Maybe in celebration of my birthday coming up in a few weeks.

Parisian Amour (A novella in the Magical Tales of Romance & Adventure series) by Beth Barany

Parisian Amour (A novella in the Magical Tales of Romance & Adventure series) by Beth Barany

In writing news, I published my paranormal romance, called Parisian Amour: A novella in the Magical Tales of Romance & Adventure series. You can see it here on Amazon and my shout out about it on my Facebook page ! I celebrated by taking the night off and catching up on one of my favorite TV shows, Arrow, on the CW. Guilty pleasure!

I’m already prepping my next paranormal romance novella. This one will be set in Amiens, France, and will involve a labyrinth, the myth of the Green Man, and 2 people who want to ignore the power of love. Silly people! I love building a new story, but also need to recognize and celebrate my accomplishments.

Here’s to juicy endings and celebrations and delicious beginnings!

Thank you for reading and connecting with me!

I really appreciate everyone’s replies to me about my reveal about my hands — being born with hands (and toes) that are different. See my Instagram feed here if you missed that.

As I’ve mentioned for the few last weeks, I’m working on creating video shares/rants about how I really feel and think about all those years of hiding and dealing with people’s attitudes toward me for being different.

I’m committed to creating 2 more videos this week. My plan is that when I have 7-10 videos in total, I’ll drip them out weekly on my Youtube channel here. You can subscribe there or just take a look at some informational videos on book marketing I created a few years ago.

I’m not quite ready to share my video rant/shares yet.

I’m at the edge, you know … at the edge of a cliff. I desire to share, and yet the fear of falling into the unknown of what will come out of my mouth scares me. It’s a rich space. I’m leaning into it. The anticipation is building, like salivating for a good meal.

I’m holding myself gently, ever so gently, as this part of me comes out.

Food for thought: What are you on the edge of sharing that’s scary and delicious at the same time? And are you holding yourself gently during the process?

Write me with your “Food for Thought” reply here.

In this Issue:

Summer is a creative time for me! That’s why there’s 7 offerings here. 🙂

1. Short Wisdom Bite

A sneak peek of Beth on video here.


2. There are a still a few spots in the Group Coaching program for Novelists.

I’m closing the group soon.


3. Upcoming In-person Events for June 8 & 14, 2014.

I’ll be at the San Mateo County Fair Literary Arts stage. Details also listed here on my events page.


4. May is Book Marketing Month: 3 things!

#a: Book Marketing Challenge for May: Early Bird deadline for the special memberships: June 7

I’ll be the featured author on Tuesday, June 3rd, sharing about blog tours for fiction writers. So be sure to sign up for the Fr*e Access Pass to get the cool interview I just did with D’vorah Lansky.


#b: Special! 50% off “How to Run Your Successful Blog Tour” video course ends May 31st.

This is the last time I’ll be offering this course at a discount to the general public. Two days left!

Read the 3 essential tips to running a blog tour here.


#c: Donate for a good cause!

This annual fundraiser also ends May 31st. Go here to bid on my blog tour video course!

5. Special offer: Coming Back Home to You sessions for Authors and Other Creatives. Special offer ends June 1st.

Is this you?

◊ You love writing, but you feel stuck in the process. That’s frustrating. You want to call it writer’s block, but that doesn’t feel good.

◊ You want the writing process to feel easier and would like to bring more ease to your creative process.

◊ You feel that what’s in your way of writing has nothing to do with writing and you’d like to make some changes, but have no idea where to begin.

◊ You know the pain of never being able to find your “home” within your creative work, but you so desire to find your way home again.

If you said YES to any of the above statements, then you are ready for a Coming Back Home to Yourself Session. Great! Keep reading!

If you find yourself ready for a session with me, just reply to this email and go here to register. The special price ends June 1st, 9pm Pacific.


6. Writer’s University Bootcamp starts June 1st.

Ezra and I will be teaching in this free bootcamp that starts soon. Ezra’s teaching is on plot and mine is on character. We’ve already recording our sessions and look forward to being a part of the bootcamp.

Go here to get your fr*e pass.


7. In June, I’ll be interviewing a book marketing coach who specializes in helping authors get a literary agent.

I’ll be sending the link to sign up for this fr*e interview soon!

Let me know if you have questions about any of the above! And Happy Writing!

Here’s to you and your dreams!


PS. Feel free to share any of the news via social media and/or email. Spread the love! Thanks!

Beth Barany, Ezra Barany: Married team that helps authors create successful careersABOUT US
Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

We offer coaching, consulting, and book production services to authors. Contact us for a complimentary session today.

PS. We now design bookmarks, book covers, and business cards. Contact us for more information.

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