KC Baker’s The Women’s Thought Leadership Society & her 2-day Public Speaking Soiree in San Francisco CLOSES THIS TUESDAY, MARCH 12TH!

KC Baker, The 5 Keys to Women's Thought Leadership | KC Baker's The 5 Keys to Women's Thought LeadershipHello! The shopping cart for KC Baker’s The Women’s Thought Leadership Society and her 2 day, absolutely fabulous Public Speaking Soiree in San Francisco CLOSES THIS TUESDAY, MARCH 12TH!

I guarantee there’s no women’s thought leadership & public speaking training like this on the planet. Her practices WORK. Yes, they are completely unorthodox. And they are also highly effective and they make getting clear on your message & finding the freedom to share it FUN:)

Women who do her work have major doors open for them. They become known for their ideas. Their tribes grow. Opportunities like TEDx, Bioneers and other major industry speaking events come their way. Their businesses grow. Their missions take off.

And most of all, the resistance disappears. They feel totally free to get out there and rock it, and that’s exactly what can happen for you.

If you are really ready to get your message out into the world in a big way and see your mission and your work go gangbusters, come see what she’s offering. It’s so gorgeous, it’ll knock your socks off:



The shopping cart closes this Tuesday.

I am so passionate about you doing this work and seeing your wisdom & message fly. Don’t wait. The world needs you. For real.

Again, you need to reserve your spot now at: http://bit.ly/ViHu79


PS – This woman knows her stuff. She’s the one the pros go to. Do your voice & your message justice. Come check this out: http://bit.ly/ViHu79 I did! I learned profound, yet surprisingly simple, tools and techniques for feeling at ease on the stage.

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  • This sounds like an excellent program. Thank you for sharing.

  • Beth Barany says:

    Arwen, Thanks for stopping by. KC Baker does great work. I hope you get a chance to see her free video series!

  • Love your blog! Very informative! Both events sound wonderful. I strongly believe that the events benefit many women.

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