Healthy Writers Club: Restarting After Thanksgiving

I did do my week #3 of my own Couch-to-5K program, inspired by Josh Clark’s article on the site, But during the Thanksgiving week, I skipped exercising other than my normal up-and-down the hill, a 9-minute walk each way.

IN WEEK #3, the workouts are a little more intense. I’ve been enjoying the intensity, but needed a break.

That’s okay! I’ve been gentle with myself, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to restart.

Progress since I last checked in:

Week #2: Day #6: Saturday, Nov. 10. Nordic Track! I watched Avengers and skied while listening to my timer. It was actually fun!

Week #3, Day #7: Monday, Nov. 12: I walked on Piedmont Ave. to Mountain View Cemetery and back. I also practiced deep breathing and did a more intense interval cycle, as is requested for week #3. It was nice walking in this calm space, while listening to my favorite radio program, Marketplace on NPR.

Week #3, Day #8: Wednesday, Nov. 13: I did a 30-minute walk, and didn’t do the fartlek training, but I did go to Capoeira class at Capoeira Mandinga, and did decently, even with my plantar fasciitis.

Week #3, Day #9: Saturday, Nov. 17: Ezra and I went to the Men of Mystery day in Irvine, CA, where Ezra presented. After a day of chit-chat and book sales with over 200 readers, I walked around the hotel and did my interbal training in the balmy Southern California air.

Week #4, Day #10, redoing Week #3Saturday, Nov. 24: Since I wrote and edited all day at the cafe, I came home after dark. So, ski machine again! Nordic Track! This time I re-watched one of my all-time favorites, Firefly, and the first episode “Serenity.” I’m restarting week #3 instead of jumping into week #4 after a week off. When I was prepping my timer with Week #4, I got a little scared. More and longer high intensity intervals. I’ll get there.

Week#4, Day #11: redoing Week #3Monday, Nov. 26: 15 minutes, including a sprint for the bus. LOL I didn’t do the total 30-minute work out, but got my heart up. The best part was that my half-block sprint for the bus felt great!

Week #4, Day #12: redoing Week #3Wednesday, Nov. 28: A walk up and down Piedmont Ave. Low impact the whole way but I worked up a nice sweat. I did blow off capoeira glass because the plantar fasciitis in my right heel flared up at the end of the walk.

More info on the Healthy Writers Club and my fellow writers participating here: At last count we are up to 28 writers! And thanks Shallee for commenting on one of my Healthy Writers Club posts! Woot! Together we are strong! Thanks for creating this movement!

How about you? Share your exercise, both casual and otherwise, below, and let’s support each other!

PS. When I’m not walking, or writing, I help authors create successful books and careers, as a coach and advisor. If you want personalized, tailored one-on-one support, I can help you with that too. Contact me for a Discovery Session too see how a writing coach, award-winning author, Certified Creativity Coach and Master NLP Practitioner can help you fall in love with your writing, again.

Sign up for a 60-Minute Complimentary Coaching Discovery Session here. I give away 10 slots per month — booking December 2012 now. First Come First Serve!

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  • Pamela Reese says:

    Hi Beth…yep, here it is the first of December and I have some serious goals for myself. Life threw me a lot of hurdles this year (hubby died, mil died, moved the kids across the country, one daughter went away to college, oldest daughter gave me my first grandson on my birthday) Stress is not so good when it comes to packing on extra tummy fat 🙁 I love to work out, but there hasn’t been nearly enough time.
    But I know it is a proven fact that writers who get up, move around, exercise, and stay healthy are more productive, more creative, and less likely to have health problems.
    Toward that end, I have modified my diet. We already went red-meat free two years ago, now the kids and I are gradually working toward a more vegan lifestyle.
    Also eliminating as much gluten from our diet as possible (I have one daughter with celiac disease, and the oldest is gluten sensitive…it is often genetic, so it is worth the effort to eliminate it from the rest of our diets)
    My workouts have to change now that I am no longer working out at my college. More walks (I find taking our 200 pounds of dogs with me provides a good upper body workout and makes it all so much more fun) Aiming for walks on the beach, wet sand is good for the legs, 3x a week.
    So many wonderful things to help me get/stay fit while stirring the creative juices… hiking and kayaking with my 12 yr old son, teaching the 3 yr old to swim, pilates with the teenage girls.
    Life is good…and we can make it better…if we embrace the challenge.
    Thanks for this lovely blog. So glad to see other writers taking care of themselves.

  • Beth Barany says:

    Pamela Thank you so much for stopping by. What a lot of life challenges have come your way. I am so sorry for your losses. And I admire your positive attitude. I’ve been gluten-free for 2+ years, and mostly milk-free, and sugar-free, mostly. I love chocolate! All your activities sound fun! Good luck! And welcome to the Healthy Writers Club!

  • Thanks for linking up to Readers’ Workouts. And thanks for letting me know about the Healthy Writers Club — that’s very cool!

    Great job getting back to the exercise after Thanksgiving!

  • Beth Barany says:

    Joy, Thanks for stopping by. Yeah, it’s been a little tough getting back to the workout but I’m definitely keeping it up. So glad you have the Readers’ Workouts!

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