Book Marketing and Book Promotion for Shy Novelists

I’m reading SELL YOUR BOOK LIKE WILDFIRE by Rob Eagan (page 17) and it’s decent.

It’s more useful for nonfiction authors than fiction authors, IMHO. That disappoints me. I think fiction authors need more tailored support. (Yes, I’m working on it! My Twitter for Authors book is editorial as we speak. Can’t you see me working on it!)

In the meantime I wanted to share with you a useful tool I created to help shy novelists (or introverted novelists, if you prefer) sell more books.

Like Eagan does, I also talk about creating a value statement as the centerpiece of your marketing:


*Which book marketing book have you found useful lately?

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  • Edward Smith says:

    The problem you found with the book is true for most aspects of marketing fictions books. I coach authors how to get on TV and fiction authors have a dreadful time promoting their books in a way that allows them to break out of the pack unless they use the right system. Fiction is a whole different game of promotion where you end up learning not to promote the book, you promote yourself as an expert on something related to the book. And you bring the book into play that way. OK, thanks, Edward Smith.

  • Beth Barany says:

    Edward, Seems to be the case, this thing about promoting yourself as an expert, especially if you want to get on TV or get into mainstream media. OK, thanks, for stopping by.

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