Monthly Archive: February 2010
In the past 15 months, we’ve had 10 books on the bestseller list. When I say “bestseller” I mean major lists: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, et al. Still, even after numerous books and a variety of lists, the “list” itself still confounded me, so I decided to do a little research to find out what it really takes to hit a list.
What I love about being a writer is talking about writing, telling crazy stories, and listening to even more wild ones! At the start of the year, I got to do just that — one of the most fun things, for me, a writer can do: I had lunch with one of my favorite authors!
Stuck? Have an idea but not sure how put it down on paper? Looking for a guideline to help build your story? Then this online workshop is for you! Join Beth Barany as she presents 12 clear organized steps to create your novel from beginning to end.
“The hero named jack” In a Google Search, I found only five exact phrases. Hmmm. In a more loose search “hero named jack,” I found more over 32, 000 sites. Hmmm. How many heroes are named Jack? Lots!
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