Passion for Writing: Spark Your Passion
Notice I only said “passion” singular, not plural. Narrow your choices down to one. (I know that’s hard, but you can do it!) How do you spark your passion? Well, by writing, I imagine. But instead of doing what you’ve always been doing, spice up your writing by changing your routine. Change your environment.
If you always write at home, go to a friend’s house or to a café to write. If you live in the city, go to the country overnight, or vice versa.
Nothing helps reset a body clock like sleeping over in nature. But the city can be just as vivifying too. Or, rearrange or clean your writing space: Bring in a new item that isn’t about writing.
Write with all your senses and let your mind wander far and deep, and into the past or far into the future for inspiration. The universe is the limit! Gather items to enliven and spark excitement, for example, an orange, cinnamon, felt, wool, silk, a stone, lavender, nutmeg, a chanting bell.
Take risks. What is the next riskiest thing you can do with your writing? Do it. For example, write stronger, or make your characters bolder. Now what is the next riskiest thing? Do that too. Until, voilà, you’ve moved beyond your comfort zone into a totally fired-up place where you feel amazing because you did it! You wrote the very thing you thought you couldn’t.