Tagged: #writingcommunity
Recently I was on a panel to discuss How to Market Through Email Newsletters. It was broadcast on YouTube and sponsored by TBRcon and the site, FanFicAddict.com. Join us — moderator/publisher Caroline Lambe and...
Safety is a huge consideration right now in everyone’s daily lives. As storytellers, however, there is one place where we should never do the safest thing, and that’s in our writing.
In these rule breaking times, we need a different approach to how we drag our books across the finish line. As artists, writers can approach our books with the same spirit as artists who create public art. Because a book IS public art.
You don’t learn how to write only by reading books you enjoy. You also learn how to write by reading books you dislike. So why should you read (even if you don’t finish) books you don’t like?
You may have a million other things calling your attention away from that story you love so much. Balancing work, life, and writing is a challenge, but doable. Here’s some tips for you.
Nothing could have prepared her for the devastating blow she received when her loved one died. The long winding road of how one writer found her way back to writing after the death of a loved one.
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