Tagged: published


A Writer’s Treat: The Retreat by Jami Gray

Ah, the scent of wood smoke and rain tells me another year is gearing up for the fall and it’s time for a well-earned break. You know the kind, the type you use to reward yourself for surviving another round of new projects, writer conferences, pitch sessions, the merry-go-round of queries, new releases, and the never-ending whirlwind of life in general.


Take a Risk: Build Your Presence as a Writer by Deanna Jackson

Before my novella was changed into a novel, I begun to think about querying agents. I researched everything I could about how to write query letters and studied samples from published authors. Most of the samples suggested adding a paragraph at the end of your letter to tell a little about yourself and your writing experience.


A Day In The Life Of A Unpublished Author by Deanna Jackson

When I first got the idea to write my novel it sounded fun and I couldn’t wait sit down at my laptop and start writing. It is still fun and exciting to me but I never imagined how difficult it would be to fit in writing along with working two jobs, spending time with my family and keeping my house clean!


Don’t Rush Your Writing by Deanna Jackson

About 3 months ago I submitted my writing to a chapter contest for Romance Writers of America. I received the feedback a little over a month ago and am just now writing a post about it because I was too embarrassed to share before.
