Tagged: Newbie Writers Podcast


Not a Solo Flight by Catharine Bramkamp

We all know the legend of Jack London the adventurer and prodigious writer. He is held up to authors as the epitome of the writer’s work ethic, publishing 50 fiction and non fiction books and hundreds of articles. He made his living by writing and always, always writing at least a 1,000 words a da


Life Has Been Created! by Catharine Bramkamp

Passive sentences gained popularity in the mid- 18th century with new scientific research. The agreement between the scientists and the publishers of journals and newspapers was that the scientist (a new term and a new field of study) were to write up their ideas and findings passively.


Anthologies by Catharine Bramkamp

Anthologies are often the first place a brand newbie writer can get published. Which is why many colleges and writing clubs collect and print anthologies. Inclusion in an anthology increases the value of group membership and lifts all boats – or in this case, author’s street cred.


Ten Minute Trick Pony by Catharine Bramkamp

Many authors and students have difficulty starting their projects. For students, often the problem is they aren’t terribly inspired by the topic. I don’t blame them for feeling stuck. It’s difficult find motivation in broad topics like, say, global warming. Once you’ve created a slide showing that poor polar bear swimming in the melted waters of the Arctic, there isn’t much else to say.


The 12 Step Program for Writers Addicted To Writing by Catharine Bramkamp

You are a real writer, that’s why you stopped at this title. You persist. Real writers write despite nagging questions about the mortgage, food and what to do with the children this weekend. And you still write. So where is our international support group? Not a critique group – not a writers reading group, we already belong to those. What I would like to see is a more sensible group, based on the real challenges and essential character of a writer.
