Tagged: literature

WFZ_How to Market Through Email Newsletters (Panel) 0

How to Market Through Email Newsletters

Recently I was on a panel to discuss How to Market Through Email Newsletters. It was broadcast on YouTube and sponsored by TBRcon and the site, FanFicAddict.com. Join us — moderator/publisher Caroline Lambe and...


Writing an Unlikeable Protagonist by Kay Keppler

Do protagonists have to be likeable? Of course, because how else can a reader bond with your hero? Of course not, because some of the most fascinating protagonists in literature are unlikeable, or indeed, hateful.


A “Flush” of Inspiration by Nevada McPherson

How’s the fall writing coming along? With a chill in the air you might be inspired to try something new or revamp past ways of working. Did you ever consider stepping outside your chosen genre as a way to refresh yourself creatively? I was offered the opportunity to do just that recently and I learned a lot and enjoyed it very much!
