Tagged: create


Momentum + Joy = Summer MOJO! By Nevada McPherson

The summer is almost here which for some means sun and fun, and for others it means possible blocks of time to get some real writing done. What is “real writing”? Real writing is working on a project that’s meaningful, to you and that you expect (or would hope) is meaningful to others. It’s writing with a purpose and direction, with the aim of completion and of course, with the intent of sharing it.


Create Dialogue… From the Outside In by Jackie Blain

Who doesn’t have trouble with dialogue, at least some of the time? It seems like some writers are just born with an ear while the rest of us work hard to develop ours. It used to be that we could go to coffee shops and listen to/make notes about the conversations going on around us, but coffee shops have become the new study hall, and conversations happen via text.

Hello to Fear 2

Hello to Fear

Hello When I am afraid to write an article then I know I’m where I need to be. My heart is scared, I’m about to reveal a truth. Today, it was my personal note...


Massive Chaos of Intricate Perfection

These polar extremes actually embody one another. In Chaos Theory, chaos is depicted as a series of intricately perfect patterns.
Both extremes reside within every human being; one the shadow of the other. Together, they allow us to fully create.
