Tagged: Cheryl Liquori


Just Do It: Write

Oy. How many times have you heard that piece of advice? But the funny thing is — it’s true. Or better yet, it’s the only way the writing gets done. So hats off to...


5 Tips to Get Writing Now

Last October 2009, Cheryl Liquori and I got video taped for GuruTube.net. I had a great time! I have to admit, though, I was nervous. I was going to have a video clip on the same site as Guy Kawasaki and MC Hammer! (Our videos will be posted in a few weeks.)


Write What You Know, Teach What You Know

Writing is a form of teaching. I’m a teacher who loves to write. I’m a writer who loves to teach. Which am I? Both. Quantum entanglement, my husband, the high school physics teacher, would say.
