Tagged: book


Writing Characters for the Ages by Kay Keppler

When you reach for a favorite book, the one you’ve already read, or perhaps read multiple times, what draws you to that story? Sometimes it’s the plot, but usually it’s the characters you remember.


Have More Fun With Your Social Media: Pinterest by Catharine Bramkamp

Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. For an author the very first social media channel for your book is Facebook. The second best way to be found (both you and your book) is through Twitter, but Twitter can be overwhelming as well as time consuming. The next best social media channel for authors is Pinterest.


Defeating the Sinister Synopsis by Jami Gray

You managed to find your way through the battlefield of plot, claw your way free of character motivation, and rejoiced as you conquered the unsurmountable ending of happiness. Behold the miracle, you have emerged triumphant with a COMPLETE BOOK.


Outlasting The Written Flood by Jami Gray

Every format of story telling—written, sung, painted, sculpted, photographed, inked, digitally enhanced—shares a sprinkle of an illusive elixir, a potion which will enable the viewer or reader to step into the magical world crafted from the artist’s mind. It is combination of words, note arrangement, brush strokes, use of lines, lighting, or shading that snag the listener’s imagination and set their hooks in so deep they believe, for a heartbeat or a collection of moments, that the artist’s fantastical world is real.


How Do You Feel? by Kay Keppler

Many writers, when they sit down to work, look with anxiety or stress at that blank page. Or they’re afraid to send their work out—to editors or publishers—or even for critique. Others are afraid they won’t sell. Or if they have sold, that they won’t sell again.


What Is Your Genre? by Deanna Jackson

I participated in Pitch Madness last year on twitter and while preparing I realized I had no idea what genre my book was. Before you begin they give you a list of what genre to put at the end of your tweet so that agents and editors can see if they would even represent your book. There were so many to choose from so I did some research on each of them.


Getting Started by Annmarie Miles

I had the privilege of leading a workshop for a group of writers last weekend. My theme was ‘The Writer’s Voice’. Not so much finding your voice, important as that is, more so having the confidence to let your voice be heard.


Metaphors of the Book

When I think of all the reasons people want to write books, all the reasons why I have books in my life, I realized that books are many meanings. Books are metaphors or standisn for many different things for many different people.
