107 Search results

For the term "Kelley Way".

Why Register a Copyright? by Kelley Way

I’ve had several people reach out to me over the last month regarding a recent Supreme Court case, Fourth Estate Public Benefit Corporation v. Wall-Street.com. The ruling made them worry about their ability to protect their copyrights. For those who aren’t aware of the case, here are the details:


Why Have a Contract? By Kelley Way

Having something in writing is even more important when courts are involved. Whenever there is a dispute over what was agreed on, the first thing the courts will ask is, “Is there a written contract?”


How to Manage a Copyright by Kelley Way

I’ve talked a bit about what a copyright is, and about what rights you have under copyright. But what exactly do you do with a copyright? Sure, it has value, but what could you do to maximize that value?


Termination Right 101 by Kelley Way

I’ve had several occasions now where I’m talking to an author, and they mention how frustrating it is that this publisher has the rights to their book and, for one reason or another, the publisher refused to give the rights back when the author asked for it. I promptly ask the first question that comes to my mind: “So, do you think you’ll exercise your termination right when the time comes?”


Estate Planning for Copyright Owners by Kelley Way

Let’s face it, death is depressing. Thinking about your own death is doubly depressing. However, if you have a copyright that is making money, and you want it to stay profitable, you should have a plan in place for what will happen to it when you can no longer manage it yourself.


Top 5 Tips for Negotiating by Kelley Way

Negotiation is a part of life. We haggle at farmers’ markets, we bargain with our significant others, and of course, we make deals in the business world. Knowing the rules of negotiation is helpful in all of these situations, but most of all when making business deals.
