Newsletter FAQ

How do I change my email to your newsletter?
How do I opt-out of getting the sprint announcements but stay on your list?


Q: I need to change my email to your newsletter. How do I do that?

A: You can manually change your email by clicking on the link at the bottom of an email from me.

See this image to see what that links looks like.

Q: I can’t make the writing sprints. How do I get off the reminder list?

A: Email me (beth at Bethbarany DOT com) or reply to the email you got from me and I’ll manually take you off the sprint reminder list.

Other questions?

Contact us.
📚 Landed on this page by accident and want the newsletter? Sign up for the Creativity Sparks Newsletter here.
✔️ Want to read the Writer’s Fun Zone blog? Cool. Start here with the main page. And enjoy!

Podcast: How To Write The Future: Tips for Writers
Coaching to help you start or finish your novel
⭐️ Coaching and mastermind to help you edit your completed manuscript to get published
