Category: inspiration


Solano Stroll Collaborative Poem

For Writing Prompt Saturdays, today, write a collaborative poem like Lael has … The following poem was written collaboratively by nineteen different visitors to the Write Makes Might/Productive Slumber/Her Jaunty Tune booth run by...


Writing Advice from Meg Cabot (on video)

Welcome to the Sunday series of writing advice from famous authors as told through video. In this 2-minute video, Meg Cabot, of the Princess Diaries fame, reveals how to write a novel: You need a beginning, middle and end. And don’t forget the sitting down and writing part.


Brainstorm Your Way to Success

I was looking back in my Writer’s Fun Zone archives and was surprised to see I’ve never written a post on brainstorming. Free writing exercises, yes. Inspiration, yes, but never brainstorming, specifically. Why is that? I assume, perhaps wrongly so, all writers know how to brainstorm. Deeper than that, I have mixed feelings about visual brainstorming…


Lunch with Katherine Neville

What I love about being a writer is talking about writing, telling crazy stories, and listening to even more wild ones! At the start of the year, I got to do just that — one of the most fun things, for me, a writer can do: I had lunch with one of my favorite authors!


Travel + Imagination = Fun!

New Monthly Feature!
You can win a e-book to spark your writing! Read on… I love to travel. Travel sparks my imagination, fuels my story engine, and renews my motivation to write. One of my most favorite place in the world is Paris, France. I have lived there twice, visited twice, and speak fluent French.
