9 Search results

For the term "fair use doctrine kelley way".
Work for Hire: Who Owns the Copyright? by Kelley Way 0

Work for Hire: Who Owns the Copyright? by Kelley Way

Who owns the copyright when you are hired to work for another person or company? It can be complicated, yet you can navigate this intellectual property issue. Let’s discuss the Work for Hire Doctrine with literary and estate lawyer, Kelley Way.

Fair Use Frequently Asked Questions by Kelley Way 0

Fair Use Frequently Asked Questions by Kelley Way

Some think fair use is a magic bullet that will defend them against all lawsuits. Others are confused and want to know more about what fair use is and how it works. Join us for frequently asked questions and answers by literary lawyer, Kelley Way.


Copyright 101 for Authors

Welcome to the monthly series on legal issues for authors to empower you, the artist entrepreneur. Today we focus on trademark protection for fictional characters from our monthly guest columnist, Kelley Way, a lawyer specializing in literary law and other aspects of law.


What is Copyright?

Welcome to the monthly series on artist entrepreneurship. Today we focus on writers and literary law specifically and on an important issue to be aware of in today’s world — what does copyright mean and...
