The Creative Muscle of Focus: Every Step Counts by Beth Barany

Today's video is on focus and including it all in your creative process.

Today’s video is on focus and including it all in your creative process.

New series! For the month of August, and now into September, I practice in the real world via video, sharing with you my journey as a creative entrepreneur.

It is both a big risk and a big dream to be visible and be seen and heard.

In this video, I share about how to develop the important skill of focus and where to recognize where you are along the stages of readiness. Even chaos can be part of the cycle of getting ready to create. Really!

Listen and watch to hear my take on this very common occurrence.

Video/audio length: 6:07. (6 minutes, 07 seconds)

Video on YouTube

Audio on SoundCloud


We can get to focusing on our writing if we just include also the chaos…


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