Writer’s Adventure Guide Suggested Reading List

Writer’s Adventure Guide Suggested Reading List

From The Writer’s Adventure Guide


Campbell, Joseph. The Hero With a Thousand Faces

Campbell, Joseph. The Power of Myth

Estés, Clarissa Pinkola. Women Who Run With The Wolves

Vogler, Christopher. The Writer’s Journey


Herman, Jeff, Write the Perfect Book Proposal: 10 That Sold and Why, 2nd Edition

Howry, Michelle, Agents, Editors and You: The Insider’s Guide to Getting Your Book Published, Writers Market Library

Larsen, Michael, Literary Agents: What They Do, How They Do It, and How to Find and Work with the Right One for You, Revised and Expanded

Lyon, Elizabeth, Nonfiction Book Proposals Anybody Can Write (Revised and Updated)

Maisel, Eric, The Art of the Book Proposal

Page, Susan, Shortest Distance Between You and a Published Book

Rabiner, Susan and Fortunato, Alfred, Thinking Like Your Editor:
How to Write Great Serious Nonfiction–and Get It Published

Sambuchino, Chuck. Guide to Literary Agents 2008

Whalin, W. Terry, Book Proposals That Sell


Atchity, Kenneth and Wong, Chi-Li. Writing Treatments that Sell: How to Create and Market Your Story Ideas to the Motion Picture and TV Industry. Henry Holt and Company: New York, c 1997.

Dixon, Deb, GMC: Goal, Motivation and Conflict, Gryphon Books for Writers, c. 200x. www.gryphonbooksforwriters.com

Kercheval, Jesse Lee. Building Fiction: How to Develop Plot and Structure. The University of Wisconsin Press: Madison, Wisconsin, c. 1997. www.wisc.edu/wisconsinpress

McCutcheon, Pam and Waite, Michael. The Writer’s Brainstorming Kit, Gryphon Books for Writers. c. 2001. www.gryphonbooksforwriters.com

Schmidt Victoria Lynn, Ph. D. Story Structure Architect. Writer’s Digest Books. c2005.

Tobias, Ronald B. 20 Master Plots (and How to Build Them). Writer’s Digest Books: Cincinnati, Ohio, c. 1993.



Your personal Writers AdventureTM Guide, Beth Barany is the author of educational material for writers including, Overcome Writer’s Block, the Writer’s Adventure Guide e-course, and is a contributor to Writing Romance: The Ultimate Guide on Craft, Creation, and Industry Connections. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Beth lectures and teaches across the United States and internationally and has helped aspiring authors through her school, and her coaching and consulting practice for years.

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