Featured Fantasy Indie Author: Anastasia V. Pergakis

Welcome to the Fantasy Indie Author Interview series, where I feature interviews with independent author-publishers in the fantasy/speculative fiction realm. This week I interview the author of Cleanse Fire, SWAT meets The Lord of the Rings, by Anastasia V. Pergakis. Comment to participate in her giveaway! Details below. Enjoy!


Q: What got you into writing this book in the first place?

My dad served in the US Army for twenty years. As a writer, I had the urge to write a story about him, telling the world about his dedication to his country. When I began writing the book however, I realized that I could never do justice to him, or any soldier for that matter.

So, I resorted to my passion — fantasy. While the story as it exists now is completely fictional, the characters and story line are all in dedication to my dad and all soldiers who have served, are serving, and will serve in the military. It is my hope that, even though in fantasy form, the story of a soldier’s sacrifice and dedication to their country still shines through.

With all that in mind, a portion of my book sales will be given to the Wounded Warrior Project. (www.woundedwarriorproject.org)

Simply put, the Kinir Elite are like a special forces unit, such as Delta Force — but with elves! A few of my readers also told me they thought of the team like SWAT.

So imagine, the movies SWAT and The Lord of the Rings together!

About Cleanse Fire:

Complete the mission, no matter what…

Captain Derac Vidor has served Kinir for nearly twenty years. It’s his life, his blood. And then his Commander betrays everything Derac holds dear. Now he has to focus on his own life and his team instead of saving the citizens of Kinir.

Treason is only the beginning…

Fueled by rage, the team chases the source to their Commander’s betrayal — a powerful wizard bent on revenge. The wizard seeks to destroy the Kinir Elite, in both mind and body. No place is safe, even among their allies.

 The past holds the key…

Derac’s tragic past may be the key to saving the team. But can he face the gruesome nightmare in time?

Q: What was the most fun thing to do during the writing, producing or marketing of your book?

Tough question! I’ve enjoyed every aspect of writing and producing this book. Yes, there were some frustrating times of course as I learned the arena of self publishing, but luckily I had a lot of support and help, you being one of them Beth! {Editor’s note: Thanks!}

I’d have to say one of my favorite parts was talking with my dad. Like I said, he served in the military and he was my go-to-guy when it came to military protocol, supplies, and even ideas for missions. He also had great suggestions for me for weapons and other battle techniques that I’ll be using throughout the entire series, as my elves don’t use modern weapons. Conversations with him would have to be my favorite part.

Q: What are readers saying about your book?

Here is part of a longer review, the first review I received in fact:

Anastasia writes the type of fantasy that even non-fantasy fans, like myself, would love to read. Her characters come to life from page one and the reader can’t help falling in love with them. Cleanse Fire is a fun, fast read full of adventure and romance, heartbreak and honor, danger and happily ever afters. – J.D. Brown, author of Dark Heirloom

Q: Why did you decide to Indie publish?

A lot went into my decision actually. Money, time, etc. But the main reason was because this book is really personal to me. Like I said before, I originally set out to write a story to honor my dad and his service. I didn’t feel comfortable having a traditional publishing company own any kind of rights to my story. With self publishing, I keep all the rights to my story, the characters, etc. Plus, I can promote and market the book the way I like to, without any restrictions from the publisher.

Q: What advice do you have to authors just starting out?

Well, there is the good advice of never giving up and keep moving forward, but I think mostly I would want to tell new writers that the key to this industry, in my opinion, is to enjoy it! Yes, when it comes to publishing it is a career and it does take a lot of hard work. But, if you don’t have fun doing it, what’s the point? So, if you ever get stressed or frustrated navigating all the information being thrown at you, just remember why you started in the first place — why all writers start. Because there is something in us that we love so much we have to share it. So, always remember to enjoy it!

Q: Congrats on your release, your lovely first review and thanks for your advice. Anything else you’d like to share?!

Haha! You know me I can ramble on forever! But, I think I’ll just close with: Remember to thank a soldier today, tomorrow, and everyday. We enjoy the freedoms we have because of them. Memorial Day and Veterans Day are great, but they should be shown our gratitude every day of the year. So, say thank you in person, write a letter to a soldier overseas or send a care package. My dad once told me how important it was getting letters and care packages from me, my sister and my mom when he was away. They mean SO much even though they are really simple. And of course, you can always support the many organizations out there to help wounded soldiers, veterans, and even the families.

Thank you Beth for having me here today. You had some great questions and I enjoyed visiting your blog.

Thanks Anastasia! I enjoyed having you here!

Purchase Cleanse Fire

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Now for the Giveaway!

Anastasia will be giving away an e-copy of Cleanse Fire! Leave a comment on this post to enter into the random drawing. She’ll draw the names at the end of her tour, January 31, 2012. If you want more chances to win a copy, visit her website to follow her tour! The more comments you leave, the more chances you have to win!

All commenters will also be added to the drawing for a chance to win a signed hard cover. Drawing for the hardcover will be on January 31, 2012, the end of her tour.

You can also get more chances to win by tweeting or posting on facebook! Just leave a link to the tweet or post in a comment below!

**All Winners will be announced on the Kinir Elite Website on February 1st**


Anastasia V. Pergakis lives in Columbus, Georgia, in a small apartment with her husband and young son. She has a great love for writing in all forms and shapes and sizes. Her other passions are reading, reviewing, web design, cover art design, and playing games with her son.


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  • I had the privilege of participating in a month-long editing workshop with Anastasia and read and commented on the draft.

    This book rocks. Start reading it early in the day — you won’t want to put it down.

  • Thanks so much for those great words Margaret! It made me smile for sure. That workshop sure was a great one and I’m so glad I took it. I hope they do another one soon as I’m getting ready for the sequel! “Blood Trade”, it’s even better than the first I think! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  • Bookblogger says:

    I regularly read books in a single sitting so if I win a copy of this I’ll be prepared for it!

  • Scott, that’s so great! I’m the same way. Good luck and thanks so much for commenting!

  • The winners are announced! Margaret Fieland has won an e-copy of the book! Alex, send me an email at thekinirelite[at]gmail.com with what format you’d like your book and I’ll send it along to you! Congratulations!

    And, for those that didn’t win, just so you know, Cleanse Fire is on sale until Feb 6th for only .99 cents at Amazon and B&N.com!

    Thanks again Beth for having me as a guest for my tour!


  • Beth Barany says:

    Congratulations Anastasia and the success of your blog tour! And congrats to Margaret and Alex! Come back anytime, Anastasia!

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