Travel + Imagination = Fun!


A Paris metro ticket

New Monthly Feature!
You can win a e-book to spark your writing! Read on for more details on the drawing

I love to travel. Travel sparks my imagination, fuels my story engine, and renews my motivation to write.

One of my most favorite place in the world is Paris, France. I have lived there twice, visited twice, and speak fluent French. When I lived there in 2001-2003, I was even working on a Masters about the city of Paris, though I got sidetracked by finishing my first novel — you guessed it — set in Paris. (That novel set in 1850s Paris lives in the back of my filing cabinet, gathering dust.)

While I’m not able to go to Paris, France at this time (it’s not in the budget), I can go there on the web!

Click on the picture to see a live image of the Eiffel Tower. On, you can visit other cities, refresh the images, and voyage to your heart’s content.

Webcam Paris la Tour Eiffel - Europe, France, GrenelleGrenelle
(“Grenelle is a “quartier” in southwestern Paris, France. It is a part of the XVe arrondissement.”)

from – Webcams worldwide

PS. Where do you go to get your imagination sparked? Send in a link of a picture of the location. I’ll pick a random winner from the comments and announce the winner on Friday, January 8th, by 6pm Pacific. The winner will get a copy of my e-book, Overcome Writer’s Block: 10 Writing Sparks to Ignite Your Creativity.

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  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Breakfast Blogging and BethBarany, BethBarany. BethBarany said: Travel + Imagination = Fun! for writers… contribute your 2-cents and enter a drawing to win… […]

  • Ezra Barany says:

    I LOVE the Paris images!!!

  • Fabienne says:

    I do not have a favorite place per se. It’s not the place, but the people I want to have a connection with. I can go anywhere, as long I am with friends. But I also have used astrocartography (a specialized branch of astrology) to find places where I am certain to have a good time and that make me feel happy. By doing that I have discovered that Paris, France and Las Vegas work well with my chart. And it is true, I always feel happy and content when I am in any of those cities. (I know it ‘s not hard to be happy in Paris). Anyway, when I travel I am always inspired to write about the cultural differences I experience, the rhythm of the city and its peculiarities and the general feeling of the town.

  • Paris is in the air today! I will be tapping you with all kinds of questions soon! C’est vrai! I wish I could do more traveling – but exotic locales always spark the writing. Even though Lawson & I have written about Tunisia and Crete (and London!) we’ve had to imagine ourselves there. Which, as writers, is all part of the job~

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by BethBookCoach: Travel + Imagination = Fun! for writers… contribute your 2-cents and enter a drawing to win…

  • Beth Barany says:

    Thanks for the comments — Ezra, Fabienne, Anthea! Please send in links of your favorite location, specifically send in a link to a PICTURE of your favorite location.

  • Linda Spear says:

    I love to travel, but I haven’t gone anywhere recently because of the economic downturn and the demands of my work. So any chance to go somewhere great would get me to put away my work for a little while as long as I not stealing from my bank account!

  • Fabienne says:

    Here is a link to a place where I want to go one day: the Island of Fernando de Noronha, off the coast of Brazil. It’s a reservation where you can swim with dolfins.

    As for my favorite place, I love the Eiffel Tower, specially during Xmas time, so here is my link:

  • Eva says:

    Where I ‘go’ to spark my writing is Fiji – mind you, this is in my head! I think if this was my front garden, I would have novels pouring out non-stop! It’s the clean air, the sound of the sea, the warm tropical breezes and a grand view to go with your morning coffee. Who wouldn’t be inspired here? 🙂

  • Beth Barany says:

    Woohoo! We have a winner!

    Eva! Thanks for posting the link to Taveuni Island, on Fiji, in the South Pacific. You can dream about having your writing space there… How about a screen saver? 🙂

    Eva wins a complimentary copy of my e-book, Overcome Writer’s Block. You can learn more about it here:

    Linda Spear, any special place you love?

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