4 Myths of Self-Publishing

Thanks to Outskirts Press for this information, taken from one of their sales letters. I don’t endorse Outskirts Press, nor have I worked with them. I do think however that this information presented below is valid.

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“There is a lot of confusion about self-publishing and print-on-demand. As you decide the best publishing path for you, I would like to clarify some misconceptions you may have heard.

Here are 4 myths I would like to clarify. I hope it helps you.

1. MYTH: Whoever owns the ISBN owns the rights.
FACT: This used to be true. Nowadays, it is no longer true. Most publishers like Outskirts Press assign the ISBN for the authors’ convenience, but Outskirts Press authors ALWAYS keep 100% of the rights to their book. It’s the first sentence in our contract.

2. MYTH: Independent self-publishing is different from publishing with Outskirts Press because the publisher owns the ISBN.
FACT: It is true that the ISBN identifies the publisher of record. With Outskirts Press, authors can supply their own ISBN with our Diamond or Pearl packages. Of course, if an author pefers us to assign an ISBN for them, we do that, too. It’s the author’s choice. And that’s what self-publishing is all about — choice and control.

3. MYTH: New York publishers promote and market all their books.
FACT: New York publishers usually devote the lion’s share of their marketing budget to the top 1% (Harry Potter, for example) of the books they publish. The other books published during that season are victims of the sliced marketing budget. The majority of traditionally published authors are referred to as “mid-listeres” and don’t get much support from their publisher at all.

4.MYTH: Printing a book with an off-set printer is the same as self-publishing it.
FACT: Printing a book is one facet of publication. Before a book can be printed, it needs to be designed. Then it needs to be printed. Then it needs wholesale distribution through Ingram and availability online with retailers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  Then it needs fulfillment of orders and invoicing.

Printing a book with an off-set printer accomplishes one of those steps. Publishing a book with Outskirts Press accomplishes all of them.  Almost anyone can “print” a book, but what about all the other stuff that is required?  That’s one of the many reasons so many authors choose Outskirts Press.

I hope you found this helpful. When you are ready to get published you can Select Your Package at http://outskirtspress.com/authorcenter5.php

Karl, Elizabeth, Wendy
Author Services

[end of sales letter]

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