Tagged: creativity coach for writers


VIDEO: Overcoming Arts True Test: Discipline

Enjoy our weekly video in our Sunday Videos for Authors series. While artists are known for following whims and dodging routine, the Irish painter Guggi insists that hard-work, structure, and a refusal to put down even the most frustrating piece, are the keys to developing ones talent.


Spark Your Creativity with the 5 Senses: Taste

This is #5 in a series of articles on Creativity and Inspiration for Writers. Tips shared here are inspired by my e-book, Overcome Writer’s Block, and will soon also be part of a course at We Write Books community. How can we be a better writers, or get re-inspired in our writing? Let’s tap into our five senses. I’ve already written about sight, sound, smell and touch. Today is taste!


Spark Your Creativity with the 5 Senses: Listen!

This is #2 in a series of articles on Creativity and Inspiration for Writers. Tips shared here are inspired by my ebook, Overcome Writer’s Block, and will soon also be part of a course at We Write Books community. How can we be a better writers? We can step away from the words and dive into our primal sense of listening!
