Resources on Point of View (POV)

Check out our resources on POV — point of view — on Writer’s Fun Zone blog and beyond.

Articles, webinar trainings, and books.

Questions about point of view? Post in the comments below.

Any resources you’d like me to add? Post in the comments below. 🙂


“Building Empathy With Point of View by Kay Keppler”

Mastering Deep Point of View — The Book
— available online where books are sold

Mastering Deep Point Of View by Alice Gaines — the webinar
— comes with access to the teacher; to the student comment of Fellowship of the Pen; and to all updates to the training


Resource List

from Mastering Deep Point of View, the book

Christou, Rhay, (2014) from the blog Writers in the Storm,

Elaine, Kelly, (2012) The Beginning Writer “Different Types of Point of View,”

Eldredge, Genevieve Iseult (2018),

Gaines, Alice, et al (2014) “Getting the Author off the Page,” Writing Romance: The Ultimate Guide on Craft, Creation and Industry Connections, SFA-RWA Publishing

Hill Beth, (2016) The Editor’s Blog, Deep Point of View: What’s So Deep About it?,

Kieffer, Kristen (2015) How to Write in Deep Point of View,

Rasley, Alicia, (2008) The Power of Point of View: Make Your Story Come to Life, Writer’s Digest Books


Editor’s Note:

Questions on point of view for your fiction? Post them below and I’ll do my best to help you out.

If you have other resources you’d like me to add to this list, please post them in the comments.


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  • Ruchama Burrell says:

    I have learned how to write deep p.o.v. fairly well. However, writing every single scene/page using this point of view seems very limiting. Some times it seems to me that summarizing and describing would move the story along more quickly. Is it totally forbidden to combine deep point of view with a limited amount of third person description?

  • Beth Barany says:

    Hi Ruchama, You can combine deep point of view with a limited amount of third person description, as long as it works for the story and stays in the character’s perspective. At least that’s my perspective. What works really depends on your genre and above all, what your story needs to be well told. Hope that helps.

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