20 Search results

For the term "Liz Adams".

3 Tips to Making Great Book Trailers

Some people think book trailers are a great way to make more book sales, while others think book trailers don’t truly increase book sales much at all. The truth is that book trailers can increase your book sales if your video becomes viral. So how do you make a video go viral?

The Torah Codes 1

The Best Print to Ebook Layout to Boost Your Sales

I thought that if I made my ebook have a layout exactly like my print book, that would be enough to make my ebook sell well. The truth is, by going from print to ebook, I made the layout identical and that was a mistake. I missed out on making news of the release of my ebook spread like wildfire, and I missed out on making sure I got plenty of good reviews from my ebook sales. If I had just added a few extra components to my ebook layout, I could have made more sales and received more reviews.

Liz Adams, Author of "Alice's Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful Land" 1

The Problem With Writing Erotica

The problem with writing erotica is trying to come up with a compelling plot. I’m not talking about erotic romance or erotic suspense or any sub genre of erotica, I’m talking purely about straight erotica. When writing erotica, sex must be the integral part of the storyline. Sex is what tells the tale, what makes our characters evolve, and what delivers the…ahem…climax at the end.


So Forget About Passion. And While You’re at it, Forget About Goals, Too. by Carol Malone

I’ve been talking about goals a lot lately and their importance to us as writers. In last month’s WFZ article, I mentioned how amateurs are different from professional writers in that they show up and do the hard work required of them every day, even if they experience boredom. This time, I want to discuss the importance of actually accomplishing something, whether it be in writing or in life.
